Commercials in Stereo

Sitting in the parking booth, tv-watching along, when all of a sudden I am struck with the aural sensation of the Strokes in stereo. What a second? Where is this music coming from? The tv? What is this a commercial? I didn't know that the tv set could play music in this kind of stereo--different levels played over the set speakers. Wait a second, what is the commercial for? Music like the Strokes, rainbow shapes and text woven together through changing patterns according to the rhythm of the music: This is a Target ad. Huh.

Yes, they are advertising their move into the pharmacy business. The catchiest line of the ad copy is the assertion that Target has become pharmacists to find out the answer to questions about medicines and health care, like, "Why is Pepto pink?"

Seriously, I really appreciated how the music came over the tv set speakers in stereo. It was a beautiful experience. The Music For Kids Who Can't Read Good blog has captured the name and a clip of the music itself: Music clip from the ad

Update 8/2012: the blog indicated above not longer directs to a page, so I've rerouted the link to the available youtube clip of the song.


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