Stuff to know about, February 7 edition

Though the url reads like a mocking name for backwoods denizens ("Twoofus! Git yur hide over here"), the website it refers to is a government production presenting guidance and resources about healthy relationships. This website follows on the heels of other public service websites addressing critical daily life skills, such as nutrition and financial management. and mean to present these issues in accessible ways. Of course the reliability and the rhetoric of these sites is up for question--what fundamental issue are they really trying to sell us on--but the idea is good regardless of the motive or effectiveness. So, check out, if only to see what information is available, what they might offer if you ever lose half your brain and are no longer perfection in your relationships.


In case you do or don't use Google Chrome (because some people might like using a bulkier, less versatile web browser), there is Entanglement. It's a new game hanging out at Google Apps, waiting for your addictive tendencies. It's a puzzle game with a board reminiscent of Settlers of Catan, but having nothing to do with that strategy game. It's like a super slow version of Nibbles meets Mahjong, er, sort of. I tried it last night, and it was simple enough to feel good about your scoring, but the high score board revealed that the game involved a degree of skill and complexity that one did not own without a lot of practice. I will probably play it a few more times while it still shows up in my Chrome empty tab page. At that point, the real merit of the game will be tested as to if I make a point of keeping it around.


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