On the move...Duck Beach

When last i checked in with everyone, I was in Canada farming. It was fun. I learned some stuff. I made some good friends. I ate pastured pork. Canada was good for what it is worth. In the end, the farm wasn't where I felt I should be. I was there for Victoria Day, Canada's version of our summer kick-off holiday, Memorial Day, and it got me thinking, what am I doing for Memorial Day? I could have gone to New York, to Williamsport, to Annapolis, to Lexington, to DC, to almost anywhere. I like my aunt's backyard picnics, but I thought it would be more fun to break my own annual tradition of not going to Duck Beach with all of the DC singles. Spending a week at the beach sounded pretty good.

So, after finding out about a friend from West Virginia that was staying at a house at Duck Beach that still had room from searching facebook, I hopped a bus from Peterborough to Toronto, another bus to New York City. I stayed the night at my friend's place in Spanish Harlem in New York. The next afternoon, I hopped the bus to DC and stayed with my friends Collin and Nicole for the night. Through one of the DC singles listserves, I found a ride down to Duck Beach that I caught the next morning from Crystal City. Thanks, Collette.

I've been in Corolla, North Carolina since then. It's been great, chilling at the beach, seeing old friends, meeting good new friends. Actually, I've been spending the week in the West Virginia house. My friend Mary hooked me up. My plan now is to move to go back to West Virginia with them and live in Morgantown for the summer. Shane has a free room and I can afford the $185.00 monthly rent.

That's where I'm at for now. Check in again and I'll update you about my adventures.


Nicole said…
Thanks for the update, world traveler. We were wondering about you. :) Great seeing ya!!!
Nichole said…
Ryan! I miss you! I hope you end up having a fabulous summer and I hope we can hang out sooner than later. Good luck with all of your plans. Loves!!!

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