La desheredada

#Spain #novel #19thcentury #realism

Place on List:

II. Literary Genre: The Novel

1. What is the novel?

Benito Pérez Galdós. La desheredada. (1881, Spain)

Supporting References:


  1. Birch, Dinah. "Pérez Galdós, Benito." The Oxford Companion to English Literature. : Oxford University Press, 2009. Oxford Reference. 2009. Date Accessed 15 Aug. 2013 .

The article offers an overview of Galdós and less a discussion on the above-cited text.

Pérez Galdós, Benito (1843–1920). Spanish novelist, playwright, and journalist, born in the Canary Islands, who spent most of his life in Madrid, a city of which he became the chronicler. His output was vast: he published a series of 46 historical novels between 1873 and 1912, to which he gave the general title of Episodios nacionales (Scenes from the History of the Nation). Of his novels of contemporary life, the best known is his masterpiece, Fortunata y Jacinta (1887), an extraordinarily rich, realistic, densely populated panoramic work which follows the fortunes of two contrasted women, but also explores Spanish society, history, and politics. Galdós greatly admired both Charles *Dickens and William *Shakespeare, and made many visits to England, where he was elected fellow of the Royal Society of Literature.


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