The Community Room

Join Us

The Community Room of downtown Colorado Springs invites Capably Creative Community People to join us for regularly scheduled activities and one-time occasions. All activities are free and open to those who are willing to uphold the Capably Creative Community People's Code (see below).

Check back regularly to keep updated on what's going on in the Community Room.

Contact jayneshill(at) for locations, times and more information.

Regularly Scheduled Activities

Readings -- Tuesdays, 7:00PM to 8:00PM
On Tuesdays, we'll meet to share the stories and writings that are dear and powerful to us. Each week, we'll work from a different theme, taking turns to read from the books, poetry, and personal writings we bring.

Movies Night -- Wednesdays, 9:00PM to 11:00PM
If you're a film buff and a night owl, then Community Room Wednesday nights are made for you. Each week, we'll gather to watch a feature film. Nothing complicated. You show up; we watch; we leave.

Project Time --Thursdays, anytime after 6:30PM
Project Time is when we get together to work on our creative projects. Maybe you are painting a portrait, rebuilding a sewing machine, writing a song, or compiling press packets. Project Time provides a shared creative space for all kinds of work.

One-Time Occasions

On other days of the week, the Community Room coordinates a range of casual events centered around community, cultural, sports, and artistic activity. Pay attention to the calendar to find out about upcoming opportunities.

One-time occasions may include:
an evening of food,
jam sessions,
the card game Spades,
an evening of the original Nintendo,
a picnic with badminton or croquet,
"News This Week" where we each share significant news stories, and
other activities for which we feel there is interest




Below is the Capably Creative Community People's Code, an evolving statement, which serves more as a symbol of good intent than as a normative delimitation.

Capably Creative Community People's Code

The Community Room is a shared space that encourages sincere interaction between individuals. Capably Creative Community People celebrate differences in the way we think, dress, act, believe, and express. We strive to build a safe place that upholds these goals. Accordingly, we seek to establish healthy boundaries and will immediately address any behavior that puts self-interest over self-worth.


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