To John, and those who struggle with their political identity

I was speaking with Patrice Nganang last night about some of the political issues we have been discussing in the past few days. The point of his I liked the most that was least controversial was that TV news networks have to find something to be mad, angry, excited, or generally upset about at least five days a week in order to keep up the entertainment level expected by their audiences. People don't watch for information; they watch for entertainment.

He also mentioned a conservative (?) blog that he likes to read to keep in touch with other viewpoints. The Daily Dish by Andrew Sullivan, a gay conservative, ia a blog hosted by The Atlantic. Check it out. Maybe you can add it to the list of right-wing blogs you read to keep your politics balanced.

One more point to make on the Fox News/White House conflict: while I have already stated it is less than worthwhile for the White House to pay attention to reports from a media group that everyone knows is closely tied with conservatism, right-wing politics, and the Republican party, I think the comparisons that Fox News draws between Obama and what Fox News considers to be the world's most evil heads of state is beyond the mark. Hyperbole, metonymy, and other rhetorical devices have never been so abused. We, the Literati, denounce you.


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