This has been an LSA of DDA

One day I will analyze hip hop videos to a rigorous enough degree, speaking about them in theoretical terms, that maybe others will be begin to notice their interpretative complexities. In the meantime, here's the set up to a Ludacris video that explains how alcohol serves as the social grease that runs society. While I abstain myself, Ludacris's examination, I feel, is an insightful, entertaining take on the phenomenon. I have the first few lines to the clip here:

A DDA Meeting...

On the chalkboard: Drinkers Daters Anonymous

Let's call it in to order.
Nuttin' wrong with drinkin'.
People drink all the time.

No problem datin'.
You been dating.
But when you do all three of these,
You got a problem.

Check the rest out on youtube. I think the nugget of wisdom in the piece is the following:

You hear what I'm saying?
People to picky these days:
Too tall, too short, too fat, too skinny.
Have a couple of drinks and quit discriminatin'.

This has been a Luda Service Announcement.


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