1960 - 2009: Poetry

(About this list: a paragraph describing the thinking behind this list)  

Kimiko Hahn. The Narrow Road to theInterior. (2008)

Bob Hicok. This Clumsy Living. (2007)

Marie Howe. What the Living Do. (1999)

Ilya Kaminsky. Dancing in Odessa. (2004)

Galway Kinell. The Book of Nightmares. (1973)

Yusef Komunyakaa. Dien Cai Dau. (1988)

Philip Levine. What Work Is. (1992)

Sharon Olds. Gold Cell. (1987)

Kay Ryan. Niagara River. (2005)

Charles Simic. The World Doesn't End. (1989)


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